(see the above link on FBC's Constitution for the complete statement)
The Scriptures
We believe that the Bible consists of the 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament canonical books; that every word has been inspired by God and thus the Bible, in the original manuscripts, is without error.
The Triune God
We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons -- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit -- who have the same nature and attributes, but who are distinct in office and activity, and who are worthy of the same worship, confidence and obedience.
God the Son (Jesus Christ the Savior)
We believe that the eternal Son of God came into this world to fulfill prophecy, manifest God to men and redeem lost mankind. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary. He is therefore both fully God and fully man, yet without sin.
We believe He died as a substitute for our sins, was buried and rose again as stated in the Bible. He is now in heaven and will return to physically to earth to sit on His throne as promised to King David.
God the Holy Spirit
We believe that God, the Holy Spirit, is the third person of the Trinity who restrains evil in the world and convicts men of sin. He also regenerates (brings spiritual life to) those who trust Christ as Savior, baptizes them into the church (the body of Christ), indwells them permanently, seals them for the day of redemption, and gives one or more spiritual gifts to each believer. The Holy Spirit empowers believers who yield themselves to Him to live a life of witness to Jesus Christ and obedience to God's will.
We believe that humans were originally created in the image of God. We believe that all humans sinned, bringing both physical and spiritual death to themselves and their descendants. They are unable, by their own effort, to please God or save themselves.
We believe that man's salvation is a gift from God; that salvation is received when a person places personal trust (faith, belief or acceptance) in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the full and sufficient payment for the penalty of his sin. We believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the sole condition for receiving eternal salvation from hell.
The Church
We believe that the universal church, the Body and Bride of
Christ, is a spiritual organism, made up of all believers of this present
age. Christ is the head of the church.